I Care

You and I live in a crazy-fast world. And there doesn't appear to be any sign that we'll be slowing down. The pace of innovation, information and connection is ever-quickening. If your life is anything like mine you feel the frenzy around you in every aspect of your day: at work and at home; in your profession and in your play.

I work for one of the largest technology companies in the world. Our coporate vision is a noble endeavor, one very much in line with the ethos of the age: "Create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on Earth." And at any given work day between the hours of eight and five o'clock you'll find countless engineers like me sitting in cubicles making this vision a reality.

Computers, tablets, smart phones, wearable devices, the Internet of Things - our lives are going digital in ways that make the science fiction of Star Trek less fiction and more fact. Technology is doing some wonderful things to improve the quality of our external world. Everything is becoming smarter and more efficient.

I wonder, though if this growing pace of information and connectivity is damaging our inner world. A couple of taps on our phone and we can find out the latest World Cup scores and schedules (currently Costa Rica and Greece are tied one-to-one), but when was the last time we stopped and thought about our place in this world? We can log into our online bank account and check up on how our investments are doing but how about taking the time to check up on how our spouse and kids are doing?

I get this sense that we are more connected than ever before at the expense of being incredibly disconnected. We confuse activity with objective, busyness with business. Our world talks a lot but listens very little. To quote ex-convict Brooks Hatley in The Shawshank Redemption, "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry."

I see this idea pervading our churches, too. Our sacred gatherings, meant to quiet one's soul and hear what the Spirit says are becoming one more voice in our already noisy lives. Rather than helping bridge the distance between the inner man and the outer world, churches emphasize programs, activities and outreaches. Busyness rather than the "business" of being loved by God.

"Make the most of your life. Don't be lukewarm. Grow the kingdom. The harvest is plentiful." These are all things I've heard spoken from various pulpits over my history with church, especially those of the evangelical flavor. While these statements contain some truth they can be painful, fiery darts of guilt and condemnation to those of us who are already working hard to make the world a better place in a quieter, less preachy manner.

And thus the reason for this blog. "In Silencio Dei" is Latin for "the stillness of God." Over the past few years, God started speaking a message to me that has touched the depths of my heart. And it doesn't involve any of the typical razzle-dazzle, Tony Robbins, pep-talky cheer you hear in a Sunday sermon. It's not about doing more for the kingdom of God, in fact it's about doing less. Simply put He said: I care. Really and truly. More than you can imagine. More than you even care about yourself. I care.

My hope is that throughout these posts you'll be encouraged to take time to get away from your busy schedule, quiet your thoughts and in the stillness hear and believe those words: I care.


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